

Think.Solar will install the most advanced solar panels to your home, which will allow you to use clean and renewable energy in the most efficient manner.
Assessing the unique characteristics of your house, we will recommend a system that is the best for your house. We provide the solar panels, the installation, and the maintenance. You will get our 10-year workmanship guarantee.
Our professionals are available 24/7 – by phone, fax, or email.



Solar energy is the best way to power your home and save your money from the 1st day.
There are no direct greenhouse gas emissions because the electricity is made from sunlight rather than burning fossil fuels. Sunlight is a renewable energy source, meaning we will never run out of it.

Advantages of using solar energy for your home:

  • 100% inexhaustible energy, which is renewable and free
  • You will reduce the need for on the electricity grid, oil or natural gas
  • No toxic or polluting emissions into the air
  • Reduces the use of fossil fuels
  • Increasingly competitive energy source
  • Solar panels are very durable and will even take several years before requiring maintenance, which means less hassle for homeowners
  • Low Maintenance Costs
  • Increase Home Value
  • Opportunity to earn some money.

Homeowners who have a home solar system installed can send their excess electricity back to the power grid and get compensated for it.

Performance Guarantee. We provide a 10-year warranty to ensure the performance of your solar panel system for a long term investment.
