How It Works

How does it work?
Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

Sunlight activates the panels

Each panel is constructed of a layer of silicon cells, a metal frame, a glass casing surrounded by a special film, and wiring. The panels are grouped together into “arrays” and placed on rooftops or in large outdoor spaces. The solar cells, which are also referred to as photovoltaic cells, absorb sunlight during daylight hours.


The cells produce electrical current

Inside of each solar cell is a thin semiconductor wafer made from two layers of silicon. One layer is positively charged, and the other negatively charged, forming an electric field. Light energy from the sun strikes a photovoltaic solar cell, it energizes the cell and causes electrons to ‘come loose’ from atoms within the semiconductor wafer. Those loose electrons are set into motion by the electric field surrounding the wafer, and this motion creates an electrical current.


The electrical energy is converted

You have solar panels working efficiently to transform sunlight into electricity.
Step4 The converted electricity powers your home.
Solar energy works exactly the same way as the electrical power generated through the grid by your electric utility company, so nothing within the home needs to change. Since you still remain connected to your traditional power company, you can automatically draw additional electricity to supplement any solar shortages from the grid.



Solar energy is naturally more sustainable than fossil fuel energy sources and is more environmentally sustainable. It converts the sun’s energy into electrical energy and makes use of the greatest, most sustainable resource on the planet, sunlight. Home solar electrical power generation is completely safe. The electricity produced by your home solar power system is no different than the electricity you get from your utility company. Solar energy is an example of clean energy because its production emits no pollution into the environment. The energy that comes from burning fossil fuels, on the other hand, is not clean energy because it releases harmful contaminants into the air.


Save money

You can start saving money from 1st day using solar energy.
Solar panels increase property values while lowering utility bills. Compared to gas or electric heating systems, solar panels save you much more in the long run. Your solar panel system can pay for itself in a few years.
